Part Two Chapter Four Unsustainable
When we coal face workers daren’t do our jobs properly because we don’t have or can no longer rely on our managers’ unconditional support, then look out British public. It is already the case that British soldiers are investigated, even prosecuted and convicted sometimes for killing the enemy, insurgents and terrorists (i.e. doing their jobs). How this travesty happens is when cowards and managers are permitted to write their rules of engagement, from the rear, with half an eye on what the liberal media will squeal about, telling front-line soldiers when and how they may shoot for fear of prosecution. What could possibly go wrong with putting doubts in a sniper’s mind about whether he dare shoot a terrorist about to fire an RPG into his unit? The same goes for armed police. When they shoot a suspect, they are suspended and can be in limbo for months and years not knowing if they’ll be cleared or prosecuted, not knowing if years later there’ll be a media or liberal witch hunt about the shooting and not knowing if their bosses (who will no longer be the same individuals and whose morality I have covered in previous chapters) will support them or hang them out to dry. (*d)
It’s the same for psych nurses, prison officers and coppers responding to a violent incident. We can’t be sure the courageous suits above us will or won’t sacrifice us to advance their careers if we did something against policy, (guess who gets to write these?) honour our sick leave and pay if we are injured, perhaps seriously at work. These suited wretches remind me of a scene in Hannibal, the book after Silence of the lambs, when (no spoiler here) a sneak colleague of Clarice Starling, hoping for advancement in the snitchocracy, reports her for not following some bullshit policy.
Look at Jesus’ criticism of the Pharisees and see if you can’t spot a parallel today.
“They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.” Matt 23:4
I remember a time I worked at one bin when, if a nurse was chinned by a patient, his charge nurse would instruct him to go off sick for weeks, perhaps a month, depending on the severity, whether he actually needed to or not. This was a method of showing solidarity with the staff he managed, to emphasise to the higher suits and liberal doctors and psychologists that dangerous patients can and do hurt staff and were not the adorable little lambkins they described them as. A message was also sent to the violent patient, namely “who won and who lost that one?”
*d) Che Donald, lead on firearms for the Police Federation of England and Wales, said, about recruiting firearms officers:
"They have concerns about how much legal protection they have when carrying or using firearms, as recent cases have highlighted."
I read a newspaper article about a doctor who saved a biker’s life. He was nearby when an RTA happened, the biker’s jaw was mangled and he’d stopped breathing. The doctor inserted a piece of hose in the man’s trachea and he lived. If you regulating sell-outs are reading this, please don’t make this doctor think twice about if he may be breaching some of your bullshit policies because I’d like to live thanks and I expect your loved ones would too.
The British public, mostly unaware of this, are dependent for their safety on brave, coal face workers taking action to protect them. One day, if this doesn’t dramatically change, we’ll reach the tipping point when we daren’t do our jobs. Perhaps we’ll be able to bring John Spartan back from suspended animation to do it for us.
* * *
To see where we are going to end up, imagine Britain is at war. Perhaps fighting invasion by the Germans. Or the Chinese. Or the Caliphate. Now imagine that all the promotions to officer in our military haven’t been granted to the trained, experienced, proven, battle hardened leaders who have the confidence of their men but to young women who have none of the above but can be relied on to pass audits, to discipline any soldier who somebody identifying as transgender feels was transphobic to them and who respect silly women’s preferred spelling of their name. Not only that but those young women are expert in refusing to explain their decisions and blunders but instead write ‘we are committed to’ statements which an underling reads out. I could go on, but that situation in wartime would rapidly lead to mutiny, mass desertions, field executions (fragging) of those ‘officers’ as seen in Vietnam not to mention swiftly losing all the battles and the war.