Part Two: Chapter Two Left Liberal Influence
What might we have done to prevent this?
I’ll start with the old proverb that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In today’s Britain, the trouble with that approach is the liberal powers that be consider that wisdom as coercive and punitive. It does not fit their dogma that being kind, generous, forgiving and understanding will assist the problem youth to become a fully functioning middle class professional like them. Worse, they see us, old school dinosaurs as ‘persecutors’ of the poor dears and invent more laws and regulation to make us do it their way. And so, all the skilled, experienced, old school coppers, screws, teachers, psych nurses etc cannot use ‘cruel to be kind’ and ‘school of hard knocks’ teaching methods for fear of our jobs and pensions.
Suppose the liberals hadn’t got the upper hand over us? How then, might Britain have prevented the creation of this swarm of parasitical drains? Or starting from today, how might we stem the tide until, in time, it becomes manageable? I say manageable because failures and deviants will never go away completely, but it is possible to keep the numbers low. Otherwise, the parasite kills the host organism. That outcome is already upon us.
As with any complex social problem, the solutions are found in the problem’s genesis and maintenance. Liberals are stymied at this first step, because it is liberal values, beliefs and policies that produce and maintain this population.
Because it’s complicated, I’ll start with a list.
Britain has incentivised pregnancy and bearing multiple children through the benefits and housing system, when she should have done the opposite, e.g. punishing and thereby reducing pregnancy in those incapable of child rearing.
Imagine if we’d incentivised and rewarded the opposite; being responsible parents and limiting family sizes. That would neatly fit the principle of rights with responsibilities.
We have taught generations of youths, (now adults) to disrespect teachers and adult authority via ‘child friendly’, anti-pedagogy school management strategies, reinforced by ambulance chasing lawyers sniffing around for schools to sue.
When the predictable consequences of rewarding disrespect and disobedience in schools emerged, LEAs and school SMTs chickened out of backing teachers and their authority when they should have stood up tall and thrown the book at the grabbing parents and lawyers.
These are truly scrotogenic policies and decisions that anyone with foresight could have predicted would cause the undeserving poor to multiply.
To address and in time reverse this, Britain would have to criminalise, charge and punish parents who assault and threaten teachers. The message would eventually get through, remember, the message that you won’t be punished got through.
We’d have to actively and loudly promote the idea that scrotes having children is very bad for Britain, we don’t want them and if you’re going to have them you’d better bring them up properly or else – and clearly teach the standard expected. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this?
What else would we have to do?
Publicly punish, exhibit and humiliate those parents, who by their feckless, lazy, selfish actions ruin their children and turn them into perpetual drains on our school, prison, psychiatric, probation, primary health and social services systems. We already have the laws to do this but hey, it’s punitive, they need more benefits. I once knew a patient who’d been unlucky enough to have two useless wastes of skin as parents, who’d both gone to prison and left the child with relatives. The relatives, who were pretty useless themselves, many years later told me how shocked they’d been to see the child had learned to climb up onto the kitchen worktop so it could help itself to cereal from the packet. This is an under two year old child! How many more examples of neglect and abuse do you imagine the child had to suffer while the worthless parents slept one off, fed themselves first, took out their frustrations on the child and so on? The child became a teenager who found acceptance and family of sorts in the gangs. Gangs are always more than happy to have these dim, mentally and personality disordered, attachment disordered kids who they can use to run the risk of arrest and conviction instead of the leaders. This person is now an adult who I can assure you will never leave full-time, taxpayer funded, expensive in-patient or prison accommodation, will never be able to take care of themselves and will always present a serious risk of violence and death to whoever is nearby. Call me illiberal, but I’d have those worthless parents breaking rocks and eating bread and water to (partially) repay the society they’ve lumbered with a lifetime of expense and damage by their abuse, neglect and laziness.
As Tod (played by Keanu Reeves) in Parenthood succinctly puts it, “You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father.” (And a mother, I might add)